Patrick John (PJ) was born at 32 weeks old, by a scheduled C-section. I had complications in recent pregnancies, so I had to have shots every week to keep me pregnant. I knew it was going to be a long road,but weren't expecting what we were told.

We were told very early in the pregnancy that there were complications, that our boys brain was growing slower and looked as if he had a condition called ventriculomegaly. They stated that I should go for an amnio , to test for other conditions since they were unsure of the future. I decided to do it, and everything came back normal. A few scans later, they noticed that his head was now becoming larger than his body, and diagnosed him with hydrocephalus. We were scared and shocked, but were reassured it wasn't a detrimental condition. Our boy can survive this and live a semi-normal life.

Patrick stayed in the NICU for a whole month, and I was traveling an hour every day to spend the day with him. He had a shunt placed the day he was born.I attempted to breast feed and I pumped every day that I was there. Patrick could not latch and he was losing weight. They talked us into a feeding tube so at 2 weeks, he went through another surgery of placing the feeding tube. It wasn't an easy decision, but we knew it had to happen.

We were finally able to take our PJ home and introduce him to his big brother and the rest of his family. It was such an amazing feeling knowing that we had such a wonderful support system and we weren't alone in this new adventure. Everything was going to be okay. Early intervention was very crucial, since Patrick had many challenges facing him. He started very early and it has helped greatly!

Patrick is now 4 years old, goes to preschool, and is just a happy little boy. We are working on many new things and trying to hit our milestones! We are hoping this year to get him to sit up on his own, and try to take steps. He had another major surgery this past year , to fix his rocker bottom feet. This will help tremendously they said! We can't wait to see what he does!

PJ loves music, Elmo, Bluey, anything that makes a silly noise, playing with musical toys, and he loves his big brother Connor. Patrick truly was the missing piece to our family and we are so blessed he chose us to be his parents. We couldn't ask for a more loving, and silly boy.